
Archive for May, 2011

BritWeek 2011

Okay, I’m really getting bad on keeping up with this blog. The last couple of months have been really busy shooting, so I guess I don’t sit down here as often as I should.

One of the things I love about this business if the mix of things I get to shoot. Over the last several weeks I ‘ve been shooting for a large medical client, an international high-tech company and for BritWeek. They all are so different in their photo needs. Below are some images from the BritWeek 2011 events. Soooooo different then my normal commercial clients where I have total control of what I’m shooting. This shooting brings me back to my roots, of really trying to get the story telling images as they unravel, and I better be quick. Lighting is always a challenge at these events, as you can see, the lighting I’m dealing with is often extremely dark, which adds to the challenge. Thank god for these newer DSLR’s where I can kick up the ISO to incredible levels, i..e 6400 sometimes, otherwise there is no shot at all. Yes you might get a little noise, but honestly that doesn’t bother me so much. Finding the story telling image is way more important then a little noise.

These images of Seal onstage were just a kick to shoot, due to how I was practically on stage with him. What a performer!!

Enjoy, and I hope not to wait so long in between posts.


Seal and British Consul General enjoying a concert

American Idol finalist Lauren Alaina

American Idol top 6

Actress Minnie Driver

Actress Amelia Jackson-Gray

Actress Amelia Jackson-Gray

Singer/songwriter Daniel Bedingfield

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